BUS TRIP To Quilt Festival Houston
48 passenger Bus is scheduled. We need at least 40 people in to pay for the bus.
Cost is $85.00 per person which includes your ticket to the show. Reservations (which includes your ticket into the show) began at the August Guild meeting.
We have a Waiting list for your friend who is not a member of the Guild at a cost of $90.00. After the October 2023 Guild meeting if the bus is not full, we will begin contacting the waiting list. To be included on the Waiting List, Please contact Pat Graham at: 903-941-2907 or pat@grahamfirm.net.
Will pick up in Jacksonville at Walmart for those who specify a Jacksonville pickup.
Please Park in the area at the end of the Family Life Center between Loop and Cotton Patch.
Please Note: Tickets are non-refundable.